Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Going Green in Hospitality

Hospitality Studies Report GOING GREEN IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY Word count: 1328 ? Introduction3 Benefits3 Are there actually disadvantage of staying the same? 3 The definite advantages of changing3 What people think4 Are there side effects? 4 Knowledge aquired4 Financial5 Conclusion5 Bibliography6 ? Introduction The effects of global warming continue generating intense debate among businesses that see it as a major threat to their operations.In this regard the global community is seeking partnerships with governments and other stakeholders to formulate policy guidelines that will act as means of ensuring that they adopt green technology in their operations to counter this threat. Failure to do this will result to irreversible decline in profits, deterioration of people’s health through emergence of killer diseases like skin cancer and closure of businesses. Benefits The hospitality industry has not been left out in adopting green technologies in their operations to ensure they slay this global phenomenon.In doing this they have realized the immense benefits that come with the green technology in almost all areas of their industry. The use of renewable power like solar energy, wind power and bio fuels reduces the energy costs incurred in the hospitality industry a great deal. Due to their nature of operations they require power throughout; when preparing food, entertaining guests and also when cleaning. This therefore means they incur huge electricity bills through out and this can be reduced by the adaptation of green technology.Installation of solar panels or wind power can reduce these expenses in a great way and this can increase their profits and enable investment in other projects like expansion. Are there actually disadvantage of staying the same? The use of green technology reduces the pollution of the environment. The damage that is usually done to the environment when hotels use petroleum products is very catastrophic. They use the product o n large quantities especially in cooking.Diesel products for instance emit a lot of hydrocarbons into the air that cause global warming, which is known to hamper marine life and make some species of the marine bio diversity extinct. This affects the product range available for offer to their clients. They also poison most fish species which make them unfit for human consumption. These diesel emissions are also known to be carcinogenic and cause a lot of cancer related ailments that pose a very great danger to the workers in the industry and to the whole world at large.However all this can be avoided if the industry adopts green technology. There are no side effects of using green energy since they are environmentally friendly and they use ecologically friendly resources. The definite advantages of changing The industry has also come alive to the fact that ecotourism is a major attraction to many people who want to conserve the world we live in. (Hotelinteractive. com. 2008) People a ppreciate and value those involved in environmental conservation and most like being associated with them.Many organizations and governments prefer holding their meetings and conferences in venues that are accredited by environmental conservation agencies as compliant to set green standards. The hospitality industry being a major player in this field does not want to be left behind. This is because those who comply and champion these interests will attract wide clientele and this will be a major boost to their businesses. Many players in the industry have sought to comply with the set standards to ensure they remain competitive in the industry.The industry has therefore invested heavily in imparting the required knowledge and skills to its staff and other stakeholders to ensure best practices. They are then seeking certification from recognized regulatory institutions that also continuously monitor their progress through regular visits and checks. What people think The adoption of g reen technology by the hospitality industry improves the public image and the perceptions that people have towards the industry. â€Å"Going green is no longer a request, but rather a demand. † ( Nowpublic. com. 008) The world today is doing everything to combat global warming which is seen as a major threat to future earnings of almost each sector in the global economy. This will also attract a lot of customers to those who will be seen to be compliant. The hospitality industry is therefore viewed as one of the environmentally sensitive industries and this places it strategically on the global arena of attaining sustainable development. Are there side effects? The players in the hospitality industry must embrace the use of renewable sources of energy like wind power and solar energy.Such installations will ensure minimal environmental pollution and also availability throughout. This is because the sources such as sun and wind are naturally available and apart from installati on costs and routine maintenance there are no other major associated costs. The electricity bills and the costs of running stand-by generators will be done away with and profits will increase both in the short and in the long run. Knowledge aquired The industry players should also minimize the amount of wastes that is usually dumped. This can be done through recycling most of these wastes.For example , a hotel can recycle waste paper into scratch pads, the cartridges used by printers and fax machines can be refilled when empty instead of being dumped, they can also install soap and shampoo dispensers in their facilities to reduce the waste from small plastic bottles, they can also replace toxic and hazardous cleaning agents with good friendlier biodegradable cleaners, they can also donate reusable dishes and other cutlery to charities instead of dumping and also they should install recyclable bins in all areas for collection of waste cans and plastics.When these measures are underta ken, the industry will enjoy the enormous benefits associated with the green technology. The industry players should also invest heavily in the provision of skills and knowledge to the stakeholders who must be involved in the attainment of desired objectives. The stakeholders are mainly their workers, customers and also their suppliers. They should organize workshops and seminars to educate them on the necessity of adopting the green technology.When they fully understand the benefits they will commit to observe and adhere to the standards set in the industry and this will ensure attainment of desired results.? Financial The adoption of the above measures will nonetheless be an uphill task to most of the players in the hospitality industry. Most of these measures like installing and maintaining solar and wind energy systems require huge budgets and skilled workers. Most of the players in the industry are midlevel enterprises that lack the financial ability to manage such capital-inte nsive projects.Also those who carry out these projects may take a long time to recover and return to profitability. Nonetheless the hotels will save BIG money in the end. Conclusion The green technology should be implemented by all the industries not only the hospitality industry. This will enhance the realization of the aspired results which will guarantee the global population of a better environment to live in. This is because global warming is a major threat to all industries regardless of the area of specialization. Failure by the industry players to implement these policies will be threatening the same businesses they rely on. Reference List Patrice A Kelly (2008) So you want to go green [Internet] Available from: http://www. hotelinteractive. com/article. aspx? articleid=12180 [Accessed 2 May, 2012] Commonwealth of Pennsylvania †¢ Department of environmental protection (Unknown) Fact Sheet [Internet] Available from: http://www. google. com/url? sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&sourc e=web&cd=2&sqi=2&ved=0CCsQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Finfohouse. p2ric. org%2Fr ef%2F03%2F02592. pdf&ei=mcWiT6X9HMTsOdbgmd0I&usg=AFQjCNGbSE_1baXV5YwYwqMxCkhfrYUsUg [Accessed 30 April, 2012]Ursula Tillmann (2008) Hotels going â€Å"Green† demanded by guests [Internet] Available from: http://www. nowpublic. com/environment/hotels-going-green-demanded-guests [Accessed 2 May, 2012] Roza Gazsi (2011) Hotels going green – So much more than a pleasant stay [Internet] Available from: http://www. ecowizer. com/2011/03/hotels-going-green-so-much-more-than-a-pleasant-stay/ [Accessed 3 May, 2012] Epa. gov (2011) Why go green [Internet] Available from: http://www. epa. gov/region2/p2/hospitality/why/index. html [Accessed 3 May, 2012] Bibliorgaphy Gogreencleaning. bravehost. om (Unknown) Go green! Cleaning products [Online Image] Available from: http://www. google. com/imgres? um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org. mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1280&bih=657&tbm=isch&tbnid=xEbt0DfSpFO7FM:&imgre furl=http://www. gogreencleaning. bravehost. com/&docid=TTradC0z9xRMaM&imgurl=http://gogreencleaning. bravehost. com/myPictures/gogreen. jpg&w=390&h=448&ei=TdiiT8mXPMGfOufoqdMI&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1032&vpy=93&dur=1870&hovh=241&hovw=209&tx=161&ty=150&sig=111890973347592325663&page=1&tbnh=125&tbnw=101&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0,i:158 [Accessed 3 May, 2012 ]

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Project Plan Event Essay

Green Project plan draft 05-10-2010 Project proposal 1st version Monday 13 Sept Project proposal final version Monday 20 Sept Project plan – 1 version Tuesday 28 Sept Presentation in week 39 Project plan – final version Tuesday 5 Oct Production programme – 1 version Monday 11 Oct Production programme – final version Monday 18 Oct st st Number of time event will be held Date and place of event Number of visitors/participants Costs per person 1 22 and 23 of July 2011 Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam 2000 Friday Saturday â‚ ¬ 10,00 â‚ ¬ 15,00 nd rd Client Annelies de Bruine RIVM 0615279834 Deborah Hofste Project leader 0612120246 Juan Caceres Creative manager 065120404090 Rick Sam Production manager 0613265586 Anna Oosterling Financial manager 0612199242 Cathleen Verbond Marketing manager 0641145280 Project team 1 Table of content 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 Introduction Faya festivals Client Background Client‟s objective „‟GREEN Festival‟‟ Project plan Deviations 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4 Project contents Structure plan Detailed plan Ambience Atmospheric Impression Production method 4 4 6 12 13 14 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Marketing and Communication Targets group Marketing plan Media SWOT-analysis Communication plan Fundraising plan 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Control aspects (QOFTIM) Quality Organization Facilities Time Information Money 20 20 21 22 24 26 28 Appendix 2 1. Introduction 1.1 Faya Events Faya Events is an upcoming festival management company currently working with 5 employees, each in their own field of expertise. We are all young adults, and we have a fresh outlook on your festival. Taking care of your festival from A to Z and to for fill your every need is our profession. Every phase at Faya Events contains a so called go, no go moment so we can keep you up to date and no steps are taken without your approval. 1.2 Client The client of the festival is the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, also known as RIVM. The RIVM has expertise about health, nutrition, nature and the environment. They investigate all those matters and want to share their knowledge with the rest of the world. The RIVM works mainly for the Dutch government. They especially work for 3 ministries: Health, Welfare and Sport; Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, and Agriculture, Nature Management and Food Quality. For this project Annelies de Bruine was asked by the RIVM to come up with a project to raise awareness for environmental problems. She had to find a way to endorse youngsters to live a more environmental friendly life. 1.3 Background The RIVM started in 1984. The Dutch government decided to combine 2 departments, the National Institute for Drinking Water Supply (RID) and the Institute for Waste Research (IVA). They took care of vaccinates, researched the Q-fever, advised the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism about how to react on a nuclear, chemical and biologic attack and monitors the current state of our environment. Nowadays, many youngsters don‟t know what the RIVM is and does. Annelies set up a short research on this target group (young adults between the age of 18 and 25) and used the advices of the communication advice company. The research showed that a popular place this target group meets is at festivals. The communication advice company then suggested organizing such a festival. Annelies has no experience with producing music festivals. She set up an assignment to come up and present a concept for a 2-day music festival. 1.4 Client’s objective The RIVM wants to activate youngsters to be good for the environment. Annelies de Bruine works for the RIVM. Their goal is to reach out to young people between the age of 18 and 25, in a way they can relate to. This is necessary to raise awareness for the consequences of global warming and pollution for them and their children so they will be endorsed to live more environmentally friendly. Young people need to know that they can have fun in a green way! The RIVM needs young people to stand up for their environment and take appropriate action. They have the future of our world in their hands. 1.5 â€Å"GREEN Festival† Faya events made a concept of a Festival which the RIVM totally relates to. The festival is going to present the values RIVM stands for. With use of all biodegradable and ecological products, workshops and performing artists, this festival is going to reach a lot of young adults, make them active and successfully fulfill the goal of the RIVM. 1.6 Project Plan This document is the project plan draft. It provides the client with an exact picture of the event. The project plan is a detailed version of the approved project proposal. It contains an extensive marketing plan, fundraising plan and communication plan. The project plan draft is the first document of the preparation phase. The preparation is the phase of that focuses on the planning or development of a design. After approving the final version of the project plan, the event will step into the production phase. The comments of the project proposal will be adjusted in the project plan. The wishes/changes of the RIVM are improved in the project plan. 1.7 Deviations Unlike the project proposal, the project plan contains more information about workshops and how to interact with the visitor. The finances are extended in the Project Plan. 3 2. 2.1 Project contents Structure plan Concept The concept is to reach out to young adults between the age of 18 and 25 in a way they can relate to being environmentally friendly. By reaching out and raising awareness of the consequences of global warming and pollution the target group will be endorsed to live more environmentally friendly. This concept brings environment friendly companies, artists and music lovers in one place where the thought is being green while having fun and listening to music. Image and Theme To persuade youngsters to live more environmentally friendly the image and theme of the festival will be: Green (environmentally friendly) o Will reflect the meaning of being environmentally friendly and the reason the whole event is based on. Fun o Will reflect the party and enjoyment of the visitors of the festival. – With prolonged exposure to a green and fun environment, the visitors of the festival will be more open to be environmentally friendly. By trying to change the thought of being green is silly and expensive, youngsters may develop a comprehensive understanding of being environmentally friendly and will see the positive factors of this festival. Message The message is live more environmentally friendly in this world. Holland is informed, but does not really do something to improve the environment they live in. The message brings people back to a few hundred years ago when people lived with a lot of green surrounding them. This is a good thing because then they will appreciate what they have in their surroundings. As a result, young adults will become more aware and endorsing to see things in a positive way and make them being greener. Objectives Our objectives are: – Create awareness of the environment before, during and after the festival – Obtain a 2% growth of energy sa ving products by the festival before the end of 2011 – To grow 15% in the upcoming 5 years as a festival. By having a bigger location, more artist and more visitors Wecycle, Workshops and GREEN test Wecycle is a way of recycling your old electronic products. This sort of recycling will be done during the festival. For every one or two electronic products the visitors bring to the festival they will receive a free consumption for drinks or food. 4 There will be two workshops one for woman and one for men. For woman it will consist on a make-up workshop and for men a shaving workshop. For this we choose Rituals to do the workshop and supply their products, because their products are environmentally friendly and biological. The GREEN test will be named „‟How green are you?‟‟. The winners of the test will win some amazing prices such as bikes. Line-up Headliners Friday July 22 nd Friday will be the party night. We want to schedule two famous artist and one smaller artist. In the timetable above are the artists shown in red and the times are an indication of the programming. The blue parts are the times at which the DJ is going to play. The DJ will play party music such as dance, drum & bass and dub step, to keep an alive atmosphere in-between the performances of the artists. Boemklatsch Boemklatsch? Boem, klatsch, kick, snare. It‟s that simple. It‟s all about the beat with the Boemklatsch collective: a colorful, creative and exuberant group of friends who guarantee to tear the roof off any party, anywhere. Their reputation is growing across Europe for being ahead of the game in every form of uplifting electronic music and partying harder than the crowds they entertain. th Retrieved September 15 , 2010, from: Source: The Madd This quartet from Rotterdam (The Netherlands) knows how to keep a beat. They started out playing Beat -or rather ‘Biet’, as they say in Holland- in 2005. Sharply dressed and knowing their tongue-in-cheek humor, their sound evolved from the primitive sounding 60’s garage to well-arranged power pop songs, still influenced by a musical area that is far behind us, yet sounding modern, fresh and played with an urgency that is hard to f ind in today‟s pop music. The Madd had a top twenty hit single in Holland with rapper (!) Dio and played every major club and festival from the Lowlands festival to the Amsterdam Paradiso. th Retrieved September 15 , 2010, from: Source: Headliners Saturday July 23 rd Saturday is going to be the festival day. There will be a main stage and an outside area. At the main stage the artist performances are going to take place. We want to book three headliners for Saturday. Outside, a „ green‟ fashion show is going to take place. During the day you can shop for second hand clothes and buy food if you‟re hungry. We are going to create a lounge where people can relax on hay bales, watch movies in the atmosphere of a silent disco (the sounds of the movie will be coming out of headphones) and listen to a DJ playing music. In 3 areas, DJs are going to play. Main stage Outside Lounge Rock, Britpop, Indie Pop, top 40, mainstream R&B, Hiphop 5 C-mon & Kypski Eclectic visionaries C-Mon & Kypski proved themselves as genre-bending geniuses on their last album, Where the Wild Things Are, which Esquire Magazine fondly referred to as, â€Å"The hot shit in Europe right now.† 3 years later, and with extensive European and US touring under their belts, C-Mon & Kypski are back in the studio working their magic to shatter expectations and take their music to the next level with their upcoming release titled: â€Å"We Are Square†, scheduled for October 2009. th Retrieved September 15 , 2010, from:!/cmonandkypski?v=info Cancelation The Q4 and introducing Perquisite Because of the cancelation of The Q4 we decided to book a similar artist. This became Perquisite. The Q4 was previously booked to perform on the stage of GREEN but have announced on the 1 of October 2010 that they are quitting the live shows because of the difficulty of projecting their album „‟Sound Surroundings‟‟ to a live act. Arts The Beatdoctor one of the members of The Q4 has decided to leave the band to focus on his solo career. STW en Sense the remaining two members have decided to continue as a producing Dou. This is not the end of The Q4. st Retrieved October 1 , 2010, from: Source: Perquisite is a composer/producer in Amsterdam and started to create beats at age 14. In March of 2001 he started a record label called Unexpected Records. That same year he released his first 7-track EP  ¾Ã¢â‚¬Å¸Outta Nowhere‟‟. A year later he released his second EP „‟Double Vision‟‟. These releases came before he met MC Pete Philly with whom he became Pete Philly & Perquisite. The first result of this soulful coalition was the EP „‟Mindstate‟‟, which had its release in January 2004 on Unexpected Records. . Pete & Perq continued their collaboration and in march 2005 they released their 17track debut album „‟Mindstate‟‟, which was released all over Europe & Japan. In September 2007 their second album, „‟Mystery Repeats‟‟, was released in The Netherlands through Unexpected Records / ANTI. In May 2009, Perquisite was awarded with the so called ‘Duiveltje’ for Best Producer of The Netherlands. The award is handed out once a year by the Dutch Music Society (MCN) and is voted for by Dutch musicians. End of 2009 Pete Philly & Perquisite decided to go into their separate ways. Right now Perquisite is working on the debut album by Dutch singer Urita, as well as preparing the release of th his official solo debut album which will be released October 18 2010. st Retrieved October 1 , 2010, from: Source: Go back to the zoo Go Back to the Zoo is an Amsterdam-based band. Brothers Teun (guitar) and Cas (vocals) had been playing together since they were little kids, when one day they decided they needed a drummer. They called their friend Bram and told him the good news, and so Bram became the drummer. A while later they met a nice guy while standing in the waiting line for a Strokes concert. His name was Lars, and Cas, Teun and Bram decided that Lars should be the bass player. Lars, who had never touched a bass guitar in his life, liked the idea and started practicing like crazy. And so Go Back to the Zoo was born. From that moment on they have been writing songs in a dusty old cellar (that also stored a collection of mounted animals). All across the Netherlands Go Back to the Zoo performed their songs, and all across the Netherlands the people liked it. In 2008 they recorded an EP with producer Torre Florim (De Staat), which got picked up by national radio. Their single „Beam me up‟ was used by Nike for a worldwide campaign and after that, things went quick. After their second single „Electric‟ became Megahit and entered the top ten charts on iTunes the band is ready for world domination. th Retrieved September 15 , 2010, from: Source: st 6 2.1 Detailed plan Location The location will be the Transformatorhuis at the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam. It is situated in the west side of Amsterdam. It has a terrace and a big inside to fit the visitors of the event due to his capacity of 1500 people. Detailed information: Address : Transformatorhuis Klà ¶nneplein 2 1014 DD Amsterdam 020 – 586 07 10 700 Phone number m2 : : On the image below you can see the outside of the Transformatorhuis and map wise where it is located. 7 Transportation „ Vehicle Car Direction From the south From the north – Route Visitors can take exit S 103 on the ring West (signposted to Haarlem and Halfweg) Then follow the signs to Amsterdam Centre Then turn right into the Haarlemmerweg Then turn right at the 5th traffic-light to park their car in Parking garage Westerpark They will find the Westergasfabriek on the other side of the canal. Visitors can take exit S 104 on the Ring West (signposted to Haarlem) Then follow the signs to Amsterdam Centre Then turn right to Amsterdam Centre Then turn right into the Haarlemmerweg Then turn right again at the 4th traffic-light to park their car in Parking garage Westerpark They will find the Westergasfabriek on the other side of the canal Bus 21 to Geuzenveld Stop Van Hallstraat They will find the Westergasfabriek on the other side of the canal Tram 10 to Van Hallstraat Stop Van Limburgstirumplein or Van Hallstraat They will find the Westergasfabriek on the other side of the canal Tram 12 to Nassaukade Stop Bos en Lommerweg Change to Bus 21 direction Central Station Stop Van Hallstraat They will find the Westergasfabriek on the other side of the canal Head to the north After 1.3 km go left and go to the Planciusstraat After 90 m go to the right to Haarlemmerplein After 0.7 km the visitor will arrive to the location Head to the north After 2.1 km go left and go to the Planciusstraat After 90 m go to the right to Haarlemmerplein After 0.7 km the visitor will arrive to the location Public Transportation From Central Station – From city center From Sloterdijk Station Bicycle From Central Station From city center 8 Set up outside Doors Stage Lounge Bar Stall Crowed barrier High black fence Decoration : : : : : : : : 1 to entrance the inside of the event 5x4x1m For DJ booth 4x5m This will have a silent lounge theme with headphones 3x1m For drinks 2x1m 2x1m 1x2x1m All around the place from the bar till the stage and lounge This will be references to being green and environmentally friendly The specific decoration will be put the company that we will hire This will be in detail in the production program. Energy saving and LED Lights : 9 Set up inside Doors : 1 visitor‟s entrance 2 Toilets 4 safety exit 6x9m For artist to perform 5x1m For drinks 4x1m To attend to wounds of the visitors 4x6m For the jackets and bags of the visitors 3x2m For coin sales 2x1m 2x1m All around the place from the bar till the stage. This will be references to being green and environmentally friendly The specific decoration will be put the company that we will hire This will be in detail in the production programme Energy saving and LED Stage Bar First Aid Wardrobe Coin locket Crowed barrier High black fence Decoration : : : : : : : : Lights : 10 Programming 11 2.2 Ambience Ambience The overall ambiance of the festival will be light, bright, friendly and fun. When a visitor enters the festival he/she will see the comfortable lounge tent placed outside. Inside this tent we use a silent disco theme to make you relax and enjoy your stay at the tent. Next to the tent visitors can get a drink at the outside bar and take a walk on the market with second hand shops. The feeling that the visitor will get when he/she steps inside the building is be warm and trusted. This is created with the lights that will be bright and colorful adapting to the music and give you the idea of wanting to move and have fun the entire day and night. With a space of 544m2 people will have enough space to move but not too much that it seems empty. The bar of the festival will have green lights to still give a hint that it‟s a green festival and that everything they see is environment friendly. When the visitor passes the security guards they will notice that the sy stem is careful and discrete to avoid problems for other visitors. There will not be a moment that the visitor will see the same colors as the colors change to interact with the theme of the festival and the way the visitor is enjoying his/her stay. The visitor will get involved actively and make them interact with the theme there will be wecycle, workshops and a test. Wecycle will be done by every one or two electronic products the visitor brings will give them a free consumption. There will be two workshops one for woman and one for men. For the woman it will consist of a make-up workshop with products of Rituals. For the men it will consist of a shaving workshop with products of Rituals. Finally there will be a test named „‟How green are you‟‟. The winners of the test will win some amazing prices such as bikes. From start to finish this festival will be a joyride for the visitor. From the outside music and lounge to the music inside the building, lights and the many new and interesting ways that he/she will be informed about green. This is a festival they don’t want to miss out or leave from. 12 2.3 Atmospheric Impression 13 2.4 Production method Product Stages Definition During â€Å"GREEN† there will be live performances from DJs and artists. There will be one stage outside and one stage for the inside. Lighting The LED-lighting equipment will be rented from or . Reason for rental is this is a 1-time-event. LEDpanels will be the background of the stage and these will make nice projections. The lighting also has to be set up that the artist(s) has to be clearly visible as well and also these lights will give a great overall effect. DJ‟s and bands will bring their own music equipment besides the sound system of course. The speakers will be placed on/around the stage that people further in the Transformatorhuis can still talk to each. Sound Lounge area The lounge area is outside. People can make use of the headphones (silent disco) these are to listen to the music while they are relaxing on a hay bale. Barriers will be used. This for the safety of the performers and the visitors as well. Next to the wardrobe, the first aid care will have space to attend. Barriers First Aid Staff The staff that will be working during „‟GREEN‟‟ will be experienced workers as we are going to work together with the agency „‟Randstad‟‟. A more detailed production information file will be found later during the development phase, in the production programme. 14 3. Marketing and communication 3.1 Targets Group The age of the main target group of the festival initially was 14 to 25. To avoid problems with under aged visitors and to spare costs for wristbands to indicate youngsters older than 18, the target group age has been raised from 14 up to 18 years old. Main Target Group Studying youngsters These boys or girls are finishing up their secondary education at VWO/Athenaeum level or following a postsecondary vocational college like MBO/HBO or studying at a University. Every month they receive student income education and housing costs. The room they live in is situated in a student house in a medium to large-size town such as Amsterdam, The Hague, Leiden and Delft. They have a part-time/weekend job at a grocery shop like Albert Heijn or a cafà ©/bar/restaurant to fund their social life. In the weekends they go see a concert at a concert hall like Paradiso, a gig at a pop podium like Tivoli, party in a club like Hollywood or drink a beer in a regular cafà ©/bar. They travel from one place to another by public transport. With their free student train travel card they travel for free during the week or the weekends. About 60% has a driver‟s license but only 10% of them own a car. 99% of the students own a bike in one or two cities. Working youngsters These boys or girls graduated this year, last year, the year before or didn‟t go to a secondary vocational college. Only a few of them haven‟t got a full time job. Their income is estimated at 1300 Euros a month. Either they still live in a student house, just moved to a small apartment or bought/rented a house with their significant other. They still live in medium to large-scale towns like Amsterdam, The Hague, Leiden and Delft to be close to their work office. In the weekends they go see a concert at a concert hall like Paradiso, a gig at a pop podium like Tivoli or a regular cafà ©/bar. They do not own a free student train travel card anymore and travel from place to another with their own car or a car borrowed from their mother and/or father. Sub Target Group Environmentalists These people have a job and a house of their own. Some of them still study but most of them don‟t. Their income is estimated at 1500/1700 euro‟s a month. These people have a little bit more to spend than the studying and the working youngsters. They often live around the city because it‟s cheaper than living in the center. In the weekends they try to be outside as much as they can, enjoying the few solar beams Holland has to offer. They think about pollution a lot and try not to waste anything. Secondary Target Group Second-hand shop owners These people are hard workers. They usually own a small store on a insignificant corner or street. They are almost never in a shopping mall or street. You‟d have to search in little alleyways or streets not in the neighbourhood of a shopping area. They usually do not make a lot of profit on their own, since not many people are interested in second hand clothing. 15 3.2 Marketing Plan To clarify the picture of the marketing plan, we use the marketing mix of the 5 P‟s. This will inform the client strategically about what plans we have and what steps we are going to take. Because of the fact that the plan has to be worked out in detail, there is a P added to the mix. This one is of great significance, since the th 5 P stands for personnel & partnerships. Product The two-day festival â€Å"Green.† The festival contains: – a chill lounge(Saturday) – a main stage provided with performing artists (DJ‟s, Friday) – a second-hand clothing fair(Saturday) – performing bands/ DJ‟s (Saturday) – Workshops (Saturday) The festival is supposed to make youngsters, between the age of 18 to 25, aware of their unhealthy way of life and helping them improve it by living green. Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam. This venue will work out best, because of the large spaces in the several rooms. The terrain around the Westergasfabriek will also become of great convenience because the second day of the festival will require an outside area. The admission fee of the festival will differ per day. The admission fee for Friday will be â‚ ¬10,- and the fee for Saturdays‟ event will be â‚ ¬ 15,-. The price of the admission fee on Saturday is higher because of the bigger offer of facilities that day. Friday, whic h is the party day, the logos of our sponsors (RIVM, Greenpeace, Stichting Doen, SNS Reaal Fonds, Prins Bernhardt Cultuur Fonds, WNF and Rituals ) will be displayed on the frame of the stage. Further, their logos will be displayed on the T-shirts of the staff. Our sponsors‟ logos will be found across the event. Saturday will work the same way, more or less. The difference is that the fair is on Saturday, which means that our sponsors also have a stand. They will also be mentioned at the end of the fashion show. Since Greenpeace uses volunteers for their public work we agreed on the fact that Greenpeace is sending a handful of volunteers helping around the event. This will spare us money. We also benefit from the fact that these are Greenpeace volunteers and if anybody would understand our message and knows how to broadcast it, it‟s them. Signing up can be done at the website of Greenpeace. The sponsoring will happen in merchandise instead of money. This is because the sp onsors cannot outbid the government. WNF will provide us with bio-degradable cups and plates. Greenpeace is going to provide us with personnel(as mentioned before) and WNF is going to take care of the technicalities of the stage and the lighting within the Westergasfabriek. The stages will be powered by green energy (from WNF). Place Price Promotion Personnel & Partnerships 16 3.3 Media The promotion advancing the festival will be done by newspapers, television, mouth-to-mouth communication and refers from our sponsors to the festival. The newspapers Sp!ts and Metro already agreed on placing our advertisement for one month preliminary to the festival. Also TMF is dedicating an episode of â€Å"Kijk dit nou!† to living green as a youngster and will hand out two tickets in that episode. At the public channels, Nederland 1, 2 en 3 we will get a mini commercial, courtesy of the government. These commercial will be broadcasted one month advancing the event. 3FM will be our media partner in all of this. 3FM does so because they want to support our festival and (of most important) the message. Our cooperation is a match made in heaven. 3FM is a serious radio station but also very now and young (appealing to target group). Our festival shares the same profile. The cooperation will result in commercials about the festival in their show. They are also allowed to give a way 6 tickets and a big stand of 3fm will be placed at the fair. The 3FM website will be expanded with a separate page. This page will contain all the information about the festival. It will also provide our contact address for any questions our visitors might have. 3FM will be well represented throughout the whole event (their logo will also be displayed on the t-shirts of the personnel and on the frame of the stage). Their DJ‟s will get a bit of playtime and they will also make a report of the festival and broadcast it on their radio show the day after. Our press release media-partner is also 3fm. They are experienced in handling with the media and know how to make our event look good. 3.4 SWOT-analysis Positive Strengths – Clear internal communication – The project is innovative – Respect for one another – Project is environment friendly – We use dropbox – Network – Good cooperation Opportunities – Subsidies – Big main sponsors – Government and media will like the – concept – More people go green – If the visitors are happy with the festival there might be a sequel (maybe even a annual festival). Negative Weaknesses – We are inexperienced – Concept of the festival is relatively new – We have a low budget – Great click between our group could backfire Threats – Tight budget (green stuff is very expensive) – Weather – Concept might not attract target group – Other festivals happening round the same time – Acts aren‟t well received – Negative police interference 17 3.5 Communication Plan Our festival is about making youngsters between the age of 18 to 25 aware of our decreasing environment, and encourage their will to change that. Therefore spreading the word about our festival is of most importance. That‟s why a communication plan is made. It is a overview of the way we are presenting the festival, and with what message. This will make it easier for the client to understand how we are going to make this festival a well visited success. Communicati on A. Product target group Studying youngsters Learn something (be green) and have a good time doing it Have a good „green„ time and learn something Living green is not as hard and expensive as you think Living green is not as hard and expensive as you think You can have fun and still be doing it in the way you prefer; green. Direct marketing Advertisement Informal Circa 5 months in front of festival Circa 5 months in front of festival On the festival itself RIVM Email Internet Telephone Start living green Communication objective Communication Message Means of Communicatio n Style + Tone Frequency + Timing Sender Feedback opportunities Possible Return Service Working youngsters Direct marketing Advertisement informal RIVM Email Internet telephone Start living green Environmental ists A festival can be green Direct marketing Informal RIVM Email Internet Telephone Continue living green B. Fundraising target groups Environmental Try to let the organisation organisations Invest in the festival so the costs will stay low for us and therefore low for the costumers (tickets) Organisations who like to be associated to the festival (and it’s concept) Try to let the organisations invest in the festival so the costs will stay low for us and therefore low for the costumers (tickets) -The significance Direct of investing in marketing(com green projects by munication) organisations – Sponsoring events like these can increase their membership Formal Circa a year RIVM (10 months latest)prelimi nary to the festival Telephone and face 2 face Corporation sequel -The significance Direct of investing in marketing(com green projects by munication organisations – Sponsoring events like these can increase their membership Formal Circa a year (10 months latest) preliminary to the festival RIVM Telephone and face 2 face Corporation sequel Other Parties Second-hand shop owners Let them sell their clothes on the fair the second day of the festival. To let young adults to visit our festival A festival is a good place to sell your merchandise. Music is a good way to send out a message advertisement Informal/ formal 2/3 months to RIVM the event itself At the event itself RIVM Telephone email Artists Direct communicatio n Informal Face to face telephone 18 3.6 Fundraising plan Fundraising Target Group Fundraising Target Fundraising Message (Posibble Return Service) When to Apply When to Expect a Reaction Who Applies a. Subsidizers/Funds Stichting Doen Support our festival financially Associated with green/Cooperation sequel A year preliminary to the festival A year to ten months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager SNS Reaal Fonds Support our festival financially Associated with green/Cooperation sequel A year preliminary to the festival A year to ten months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager Prins Bernhardt Cultuur Fonds Support our festival financially Associated with green/ Cooperation sequel A year preliminary to the festival A year to ten months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager Sponsors 3FM Support our festival in the media Associated with green/ support green living A year preliminary to the festival A year to ten months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager Greenpeace Support our festival by sending volunteers Supporting green living Ten months preliminary to the festival Nine months preliminary to the festival Nine months preliminary to the festival 10 months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager Rituals Support our festival by handling the workshops Supporting green living Ten months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager WNF Support our festival by funding our biodegradable cups and plates Supporting green living A year preliminary to the festival Marketing manager 19 4. Control aspects (QOFTIM) 4.1 Quality Product Logo Quality The logo must have the pms colors 330 U en 152 U. Check On the computer the colors will be checked and when it is printed out there will be a pms fang next to it to check it to. Looking if the correct logo is put on Hyves/Facebook as well if the option to let everybody join as a member is chosen. Finally we check is the poll has the same questions as our survey. Hyves/Facebook There has to be a Hyves and a Facebook that will accept everyone that wants to join. This Hyves must content the same Logo as the campaign itself and a poll so people can answer the answers of the survey. The A4 paper for the letters must be „‟green paper white‟‟ of Viking with 90 grams of weight. Envelops must be „‟green envelops white‟‟ of Viking with 90 grams of weight and a format of 156 x 220 mm and a sealing. Everything printed will be done with print cartridges of Ecotone. During the entire campaign there will be a billboard promoting our festival. House style; Brief paper House style; envelops Will check by looking if the sample that is made has the A4 paper of Viking and weighting it. The sample‟s format will be measured and checked as will be the envelops if they are of good weight and correctly of the Viking material wanted. Print cartridge Everything printed will be done with print cartridges of Ecotone. Keeping contact with the person responsible that gives the assignment to change the billboards. By doing so we check if it really happens during the whole campaign. The day before there will be a check-up if everything is clean and ready for the event. CBS; Billboards Westergasfabriek/ Transformatorhuis Lights This is where the festival will take place and will be clean and organized. The lights be LED lighting. These lights are bright, can change colours and energy saving. The music will be for different type of music lovers so that everyone has their sort of music. Will be diverse to appeal to the target group. Will be diverse to appeal to the target group. This will be for the lounge room to create a soft atmosphere. Before hanging everything up the check will be done is the bolts are light saving and are of bright colours. Music There will be a focus group that reflects our target group and so see what they like and want to hear. DJ ´s There will be a focus group that reflects our target group and so see what they liked and want to see live. There will be a focus group that reflects our target group and so see what they liked and want to see live. Check all headphones to see if they work before of the event. (Stagelight) Bands Silent disco headphones 20 Staff This will be well experienced people to work at the event. The cups are fully biodegradable. The capacity of these cups is 200ml There will be a check of every person CV to check if the experience is real. These cups will be obtained from Bioware. This company is specialised in selling environment friendly products The beer trays also will be obtained from greenproduct-specialist Bioware Cups Beer trays These beer trays are fully biodegradable and can carry 6 drinking glasses. Trashcans will be spread out through the festival area. The cans are in groups of 3, each a different colour Trash cans 1 colour for biodegradable materials. 1 colour for foodleftovers and 1 more for all other kinds of garbage. By separating all types of garbage it can be deposed without hurting the environment Staff clothing The staff will be wearing biodegradable t-shirts. These will be printed with the logos of the sponsors. All the food which won‟t be sold will be donated to a charity so it won‟t be thrown away and wasted. This is possible as long the products are sealed and have an expiration date. Greengiving is a company which also is specialised in environment friendly products. This company sells and prints logos on the shirts. Food The food will be given to the food bank. Food bank gives food to people who can‟t afford to buy their own food. 4.2 Organisation 21 4.3 Facilities Venue plan The first and foremost reason for choosing the Westergasfabriek as festival location was because the buildings were in a way recycled. The Westergasfabriek, translated: The West Gas Factory, used to be a gas and coal producing factory up until the 60’s. With the discovery of natural gas in Slochteren the factory went out of business. Every building that was not destroyed became a monument and after being renovated let for cultural and musical purposes. The ambience of the whole area lies very much in line with that of the festival. At the Westergasfabriek we chose the Transformatorhuis as the particular venue. This is a building that can hold up to 2000 people and has an additional outside (terrace). The outside area will be used to ratify the outdoor green feeling while the inside will much more present the recycling theme. For a detailed overview of the layout of the inside as well as the outside see chapter 2. Project contents. Facility plan Space Audio equipment Equipment will be rented Stagelights. They will also do the set-up as well as the breaking down and manning the equipment. Light equipment Equipment will be rented Stagelights. A big part of the lights will be LED lights to save power. Stagelights will also do the set-up as well as the breaking down and manning the equipment. Bars Bars will be rented, installed and picked up by Inbev. Entertainers / artist Bookings will be done at the particular booking agencies. Barriers and fences Rented at Bakker Verhuur. Accessibility wheelchairs Venue is accessible for wheelchairs. Water Water connections are provided by the venue. Silent lounge headphones The Silent lounge headphones and DJ set will be hired at Onyx Entertainment. A more detailed explanation can be found in the budget 22 justification. The placement of the silent lounge at the outside area can be found in the outside overview in chapter 2. Project contents. Hay bales Hay bales will be bought through Rooms Cloakroom, dressing rooms, office room and toilets are provided by the venue. Buma/stemra Insurance & restrictions Amount of money that needs to be kept aside for the remunerations is estimated and explained in the budget justification. Sponsors An explanation of the sponsorships can be found in the marketing and communication chapter and in short in the budget justification. Services First Aid / EHBO EHBO personnel will be hired at See chapter 2. Project Contents for the placement of the service at the venue. Security Security personnel will be hired at Dutch Homeland Security. See the budget justification for a more detailed description of the deployment. Personnel Bar and catering personnel will be will be recruited and deployed by Randstad, HR Services. For short and simple work such as setting up stalls a couple of volunteers will be used. Any other services The toilets will be cleaned by the venue. Sewage disposal will be done by Van Vliet Groep. A more detailed explanation of the sewage disposal can be found in the budget justification. Communication Portofoons Portofoons are hired Flash Services. A more detailed explanation can be found in the budget justification. Legal plan The venue will provide the permit for the festival when the date is confirmed. The permit will be both for inside as well as outside. 23 4.4 Time Here you can read in detail every script from start to finish. Build Up Script Completion Script 24 Execution Script 25 4.5 Information How to provide information Who Client & executor Employees Faya Events What Questions about the event How Email / phone / meetings Responsible Client Annelies de Bruine Team manager Deborah Hofste Questions about their part of the event Email / phone / meeting with project manager Team manager Deborah Hofste Individual team members Documents event Dropbox Team members/Checked by Deborah Hofste Visitors before festival Knowing that the event takes place Advertisement / press Marketing Manager Cathleen Verbond Information about festival Website Creative manager Juan Caceres Questions about festival Website – > contact form Phone number on website Website: Creative Manager Juan Caceres Questions: Marketing Manager Cathleen Verbond Visitors on festival Where to find things? Information about the festival day What to do Signs on festival, employees who can answer the questions Creative Manager Juan Caceres Production Manager Rick Sam Staff on festival Event manager will have a meeting with all the employees before the festival starts With Porto phones they can contact the supervisor. Event manager Deborah Hofste Questions Porto: Production Manager Rick Sam Supervisor: Event Manager Deborah Hofste Volunteers Tasks They will be kept up to date by email. Signing up also by email. Meeting before festival starts. Email: Creative Manager Juan Caceres Meeting: Marketing manager Cathleen Verbond 26 Date determination In this chapter there will be looked at dates of other festivals in and around Amsterdam in June and July that can be a threat to the GREEN festival. There will also be looked at payout dates of financial allowances. This way a perfect date for the festival can be determined. Festivals June 2011 // Amsterdam Event Midzomerzaan Beeckesteijnpop Amerdam Roots Festival Holland Festival Festival Afrique-Carib It’s Festival Amserdam Date Festivals July 2011 // Amsterdam Event 03 untill 05 Sensation 11 Zingen op de Zaan 16 untill 19 Muziek & Meer 01 untill 23 Festival Lamere 25 untill 6 Julidans 23 untill 01 Over het IJ Festival Vondelpark openlucht A Day At The Park Festivals // Other Event Parkpop Lowlands Place Landgraaf Biddinghuizen 26 June 26 untill 28 August (date based on 2010) Oerol Parkpop North Sea Jazz Free Your Mind Zwarte Cross Festival Mundial Terschelling The Hague Rotterdam Arnhem Lichtenvoorde Leijpark Tilburg 17 untill 26 June 11, 12 & 13 June 8, 9 & 10 July 8 June (date based on 2010) 17, 18, 19 July (date based on 2010) 17,18 & 19 June (date based on 2010) Date 2 2 2 Date 01 untill 03 01 untill 14 07 untill 17 05 untill 28 23 27 Financial allowances 2011 Payment Study allowance May Study allowance June Study allowance July Salary Care allowance Holiday fee Date Tuesday 24 Friday 24 Friday 22 25 t/m end of month Around the 20 th th With May salary Westergasfabriek Fashionweek: 14 of July until the 18 of July Of all the weekends in June and July, the 22 and 23 of July looks like the perfect dates. Thought the financial allowances from June are probably already spend and the ones from July not paid out yet, the first th th two weekends have a lot of festivals going on. Therefor we suggest the 22 and 23 of July to be the dates for the GREEN festival. th th th th 4.6 Money Cost Revenue 28 Actual Budget This can be found in the appendix. Explanation Actual Budget 1000 Location Venue / Westergasfabriek The venue we are going to use is the so-called Tranformatorhuis with an additional outside place (see map QOFTIM: Facilities). Capacity of the venue is around 2000 people in and outside. Rent is fixed. All costs include cleaning at the end, management, administration costs and water (normal use). Excluded are consumption costs (such as electricity and gas) and taxes. The buildings are rented hull, without catering and technology. 2000 Primary activities Infrastructure / Bakker Verhuur, Bijleveld, Marktplaats High fences covered with black plastic will create the outside area including the entrance (see map QOFTIM: Facilities). At the entrance and in front of the Mainstage crowd barriers will be used to maintain a steady flow of people and damage prevention. The fences and crowd barriers will be rented at Michel Bijleveld. Hay bales will be bought through Sewage disposal / Van Vliet Groep 10 garbage bins will be distributed on the festival area. The bins will be rented at the Van Vliet Groep that collects the bins after the festival and recycles the trash. Communication: Portofoons / Flash Services Portofoons will be provided by Flash Services. Costs are calculated assuming we use 7 portofoons with 3 spares, 15 earphones, 2 extra batteries and 15 handies. Costs includes delivery, pick-up and insurance. Safety / Bakker Verhuur The outside area is usually not equipted with fire extinguishers. Three extra’s to cover the outside will be rented at Bakker Verhuur together with the stage parts, fences and barriers. 3000 Secondary activities Sound and light equipment / Stagelights LED lights: LED Ball: 25 x â‚ ¬10 = 250 LED Ball controller: 3 x â‚ ¬15 =45 Wallwasher LED: 20 x â‚ ¬30 =600 LED Octostrip: 104 x â‚ ¬7,50 = 780 LED Octostrip controller: 13 x â‚ ¬15 =195 LED Pinspot: 15 x â‚ ¬3,5 = 52,5 Other sound and light equipment costs are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman, financial manager of hiphop festival Roffest. The costs are based upon a basic set-up for a medium to large stage. 29 Onyx Entertainment silent lounge The lounge will be provided with 200 headphones usually used for a silent disco. There will be DJ set by pioneer available with two wireless stations. One station will use the output from the Mainstage, the second one will be used for interesting video‟s projected on the wall and stories people can listen to. Stages / Bakker Verhuur The Mainstage will be made using stage parts of 1 meter high, 2 meter long and 1 meter wide connected together by means of clamps. The outside stage will be made the same way. All the sides of the stages visible to visitors will be covered by black cloth. Stage parts and black cloth will be rented at Bakker Verhuur. Bands Boemklatsch C-Mon & Kypski The Q4 Mala Vita The Madd Go Back To The Zoo The Rudolfs Chef‟Special 3000,3000,3000,1500,1250,1250,1250,1000,- *Prices are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman. DJ’s DJ Wannabeastar (electro/house) DJ DNS (hiphop/soul) DJ Tommi (Balkan) Pushin Wood Soundsystem DJ Sampagne (crossover beats, funk, blakan, jazz) *Prices are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman. 300,300,300,500,200,- Hosts Friday: PAX (Kyteman‟s Hiphop Orkest) Saturday: La Melodia *Prices are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman. 500,500,- Decoration A wardrobe will be provided and manned by Van Dongen. Assuming a total of 2000 visitors will use the wardrobe on Friday and Saturday the costs will be 1.250,-. When charging visitors 1,per piece the turnover will be added to our revenue. Other decoration costs are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman and based upon expensive ecological materials. 30 4000 Design, advice and support Designer A designer will create a festival logo and overall festival design. With this logo and design the designer will be creating posters, a website and t-shirts. Catering personnel (drinks) / Randstad Catering personnel will be recruted and deployed by Randstad, HR Services. 5000 Additional Buma Stemra Buma/Stemra represents the interests of music authors in the Netherlands. They make sure that the authors receive remuneration for the use of their creations. Anyone who wants to make music available to the public pays remunerations for this via Buma. Because music will be played at the GREEN festival, there will need to be a certain amount of money kept aside to pay for this remuneration. To estimate the amount to set aside you need to look at two things. Admission fees and the amount of money spend on talent (bands, hosts, etc.). Buma Stemra will take the highest amount and charge you with 5% of it. In this case our admission fees are the highest amount so therefore we calculated 5% of this revenue and reserved it for Buma Stemra. Travel expenses A rough estimate is made for the travel expenses. Once the bands, DJ’s, hosts and any other personnel is confirmed these costs can be calculated. 6000 Supporting facilities Security / Dutch Homeland Security Security personnel will be hired at Dutch Homeland Security. Because there are no expensive materials placed outside on Friday and left outside during night no guard is needed for that time. Costs are calculated assuming 1 guard costs 35,- per hour and is deployed like the following: Friday 2. 3. Entrance 2 guards Inside 1 guard Saturday 4. 5. 6. 7. Entrance 2 guards Outside 2 guards Inside 2 guards Backstage inside entrance 1 guard 8. Backstage back entrance 1 guard Catering / Inbev, Dolphin Drinks such as Coca Cola, Fanta, beer and other refreshments will be purchased at Inbev. A bar with tap for the outside area will be supplied by Inbev. Water will be purchased at Dolphin water, environmentally friendly water. In return for a discount 31 Dolphin can distribute their promotion material on the festival area. EHBO / EHBO team An EHBO team will be hired at The costs are estimated based on 7000 Promotion, publicity, PR Printing / Publiprinting Everyhing that will be printed for promotional use will be printed at Publiprinting. Publiprinting prints on FSC certified paper. Distribution / Rock ‘n’ Roll Highschool Posters will be distibuted by students of the Rock ‘n’ Roll Highschool. T-shirts / Green Giving T-shirts will purchased and printed at Green Giving. These t-shirts are biodegradable. 8000 Organisational costs Printing costs / Copiesjop Most of the printing will be done at home. All other print work will be done at a Copiesjop. Printing will be on both sides of the paper to spare paper. Liability, furniture, break-in and fire insurance / Interpolis The insurance costs are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman. The costs are based upon a medium to large festival. 9000 Revenu Admission fees Admission fees are calculated assuming 500 visitors on Friday and 1500 on Saturday. Friday: 10,- Saturday: 15,- Project subsidies Subsidies have been searched for and estimated with the help of Imre Parkayni, financial advisor at Habek foundation. Funds and sponsoring Sponsoring will be recieved by the means of materials and volunteers. For a desciption of the sponsors see chapter 3. Marketing and communication. Stalls / Bakker Verhuur Stalls placed on the outside area will be let. Wardrobe / Van Dongen A wardrobe will be hired at Van Dongen. Costs and revenu are estimated assuming 2000 visitors will use the wardrobe on Friday and Saturday. 32

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Women Position at the Workplace Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Women Position at the Workplace - Case Study Example   Actually, it is the manifestation of chauvinism from the side of males and discrimination of women at work. After all, there is no discrimination of men in the sphere of work and the question is why women should suffer. In the case of Meghan, she was discriminated when refused a partnership and was not invited to corporative parties. Her friends had difficulties returning to work when they become mothers. In the USA, Great Britain and many other developed countries the rights of women for equal conditions with men are affirmed in the law, and the attempt to violate these rights as a rule results in multimillion claims to the violator. For example, in summer 2012 a great number of claims against the corporations violating the rights of women were made. The 100 million dollars claim was submitted against the Forest Pharmaceuticals company where, according to claimants, pregnant women and young mothers were refused career advancement and the increase in salaries. The few less than 2000 employees of the Wallmart Company from 48 states of the USA submitted multimillion claims about gender discrimination at the workplace: managers of supermarkets raised salaries and offered career advancement only to men. The court agreed to pay more than 5 million dollars to the group of women who were refused the work on elimination accident’s consequences in the Gulf of Mexico because of their gen der. However, according to the research conducted in 2009 at the Cambridge University, men endure stronger stress because of the economic crisis and dismissals than the woman. Thus, women do not have enough reasons to complain concerning the conditions they work in during the last several years.  In the staff much depends on the head of this staff. His/her task is to regulate the relations between men and women to prevent such a conflict that Meghan went through. It is necessary to organize corporative parties for workers taking into account the interests of both men and women and their own schedule.  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Art of America Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Art of America - Research Paper Example This painting was done between 1503 and 1506 (Mayhew, 46). Leonardo Da Vinci connected pyramid structure to place the woman tranquilly and basically in the place the fine art. Her neck, face and breast glow with the same magnitude of the light that forms her hands. The light is therefore able to give a number of surfaces and underlying geometry of circles and spheres. The woman is depicted sitting upright while folding her arms, which is a sign of her held posture. It is only her gaze which is well directed to the observer and this gaze seems to welcome the observer in silence. This woman appears very alive in a very unusual measure. It can be deducted that there is an intimate conversation between the lady and the observer (Jeanne). This paint became more famous when it was stolen and then recovered. It was believed that it had been lost forever, but after two years it was recovered after one of the employees had stolen

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Emergency Service Managment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Emergency Service Managment - Research Paper Example The term ‘incident’ denotes certain occurrences such as chemical leakage or fire outbreak which require immediate reaction. The incidents can be dealt with by using limited resources or with the assistance of emergency services. However, when those incidents become serious, it necessitates management direction in order to address the broader effect. This, in turn, creates an emergency situation which typically includes interference with emergency services. Effective emergency management is highly reliant on good emergency readiness. It requires guidelines and planning for every common reasonable event. The guidelines can result in secure practices in the organizations which can ensure health, fitness, and wellness of fire-fighters. In the fire department, there are four principles for managing the emergency. The ‘National Fire Protection Association’ (NFPA) standard had recognized numerous issues with respect to maintaining health, fitness, and wellness of f ire-fighters. One of the most significant issues of health and safety is an infection. The fire-fighters are vulnerable to several kinds of infections due to hazardous materials and body fluids. The NFPA 1582 standard requires fire-fighters to reduce the probability of disease and injury from infections. The standard operating guideline of fire department recommends active attempts for restricting the spread of infection and transmissible diseases by making available different immunizations, vaccinations and other treatments.... The following diagram will depict the four principles that are followed in emergency service management: Source: (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, â€Å"DEECD Emergency Management Guidelines†) Issues in Emergency Service Management of Fire Department The ‘National Fire Protection Association’ (NFPA) standard had recognized numerous issues with respect to maintaining health, fitness and wellness of fire-fighters. One of the most significant issues of health and safety is infection. The fire-fighters are vulnerable to several kinds of infections due to hazardous materials and body fluids. The NFPA 1582 standard requires fire-fighters to reduce the probability of disease and injury from infections. The standard operating guideline of fire department recommends active attempts for restricting the spread of infection and transmissible diseases by making available different immunizations, vaccinations and other treatments (United States Fire Admi nistration, â€Å"Guide To Managing An Emergency Service Infection Control Program†). The other issue for health, fitness and wellness of fire-fighters is record keeping. It is essential for fire department to maintain a record for all employees regarding health so that appropriate measures can be taken in order to ensure fitness. The NFPA 1581 standard requires fire department to drive infection control events and to maintain private health records regarding all work-related injuries, sicknesses and exposures of fire-fighters along with toxic materials and spreadable illnesses (United States Fire Administration, â€Å"Guide To Managing An Emergency Service Infection Control Program†). Every fire-fighter should study how to protect from probable infections and prevent fleeting

Friday, July 26, 2019

Competing Value Framework Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Competing Value Framework - Research Paper Example Similarly, other tools like Managerial Behavioral Instrument and Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument gives a concrete path to analyze the organization’s position and defines where it should have to be, and assists in rearranging the business from entire the culture of the organization to individual level (Yu & Wu, 2009). Discussion Confucius defined his techniques which are also known as The Great Learning regarding development of great nation is that one must focus and incline toward his state; to build the a great nation; you need to incline towards your family initially, and to develop a great family; first you need to nurture yourself; for nurturing oneself; one needs to dictate towards learning (Blocker & Starling, 2001). These techniques were written in 5th century B.C. for aspiring leaders and it is accepted until today and accredited. Therefore, if someone wants its organization to compete effectively globally, then the relevant and appropriate culture for the organization is needed to execute effective strategies. Therefore, we need to consider ourselves before entering into this type of transformation effectively. It is a fact that the Competing Values Framework is an essential and effective tool to use which assists in determining culture not only at the individual level but also at an organizational level. It also assists in developing the path for change in organizational culture that is important for strategies going to be implemented (Cameron, 2006). Common models of leadership have divided this popular area of leadership among different comparing categories. There are various examples regarding the comparison of leadership from the literature of leadership, for instance, task theory versus socio-emotional; Theory X versus Theory Y; transactional leadership versus transformational leadership; and participative leadership versus autocratic leadership (Van & Suino, 2012). It is also found that these theories cannot be used in larger comparison and there is no other such work that compares large mixtures to examine or analyze towards defining the required leaders' behavior and to what extent it is required in leaders (Hart & Quinn, 1993). It is also to mention here that these traditional models just make us think over such leadership and it shows limits of these models which further leads to inefficiency in defining the leadership effectively (Bensimon et al., 1989). However, Robert Quinn was among those who were in an argument of saying that leadership effectiveness needs simultaneous and balancing mastery of likely paradoxical or contradictory abilities; reflectiveness and decisiveness; incremental adjustments and bold moves; and people orientation as well as performance (Hart & Quinn, 1993). It is to mention here that Quinn’s model is based on CVF for analysis of organizations. Initially, it was developed from a research that was conducted for identifying the factors of effective organizations. Quinn and Rohrbaugh in 1983 identified two main dimensions essential for the effectiveness of organization based on their statistical outcomes. The first dimension refers to a focus on the organization, from focusing internally on the individual’s development and well-being in the organization towards an external or outside focus on organization’s development and well-being.  

Job Satisfaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Job Satisfaction - Essay Example (1) Job satisfaction of the employees, and retaining them has become a growing concern in business organizations with the need to be more competitive, as a result of the growing globalization being witnessed. This stems from the belief that satisfied employees tend to be more productive, creative, and committed to the organization. There is evidence from the field of healthcare that job satisfaction among employees tend to make the healthcare organization more competitive in a market noted for its high rate of competitiveness. This competitiveness is through the improvement in quality and cost-effectiveness of satisfied employees. (2) Any discussion on job satisfaction needs to take into consideration the positive and negative factors of job satisfaction. According to Hezberg et al 1959, the positive factors known as motivators are achievement, recognition, the job responsibilities itself, and advancement opportunities. Negative factors known as hygiene factors include supervisors, fellow workers, company policy, workplace environment, and personal life. These findings of Hezberg et al were supported by studies conducted at the workplace, where workers were asked to present their perspectives of critical incidents that had occurred, but this remained the only manner in which the theory was supported. Wall et al in 1971, on the basis of confidentially collected data from workers, found that ego-defensive processes were responsible for the findings of Hezberg et al. These processes led to good events being the result of one’s own achievements, and bad events the due to the failings as a result of others. Thi s led to the general discarding of the Hezberg et al theory. However a subsequent study conducted in 1971, and as reported by Argyle, found relevance in the theory of Hezberg et al. This research on joy in workers found that while achievement was important, relationships

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Law of obligation learning portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Law of obligation learning portfolio - Essay Example 1996). The law of obligation under the Roman law was expressed in the form of contracts. There were different forms of contract which were all incorporated with religious elements due to the fact that Roman law evolved through and under the college of pontiffs and priestly caste. Jus jurandnm was the most solemn of all oaths, and should the one who made the promise fail to perform his duty, he will be then in danger of receiving penalty in the form of excommunication. The less harsh of these oaths was the sponsio on which the promisor would pour out the libation of wine while calling upon gods to witness upon his promise. Over time the religious elements have gone and the power of the State prevailed, this has become the formal stipulatio which was done in formal question and answer. The earliest Roman contract now was formed called the nexum. It was done by means of money and scale, in the presence of five witnesses and librepens who held the official scale. The transaction will take plac e by means of symbolic sale, on which during this moment there will be a dialogue between the promisor and the promisee. Without these symbolisms the contract will be regarded as void. This was a loan and the debtor was in serious consequences should he fail to follow through his debt (Page W.H. 1919). A formal contract then became part of Roman law where one party would perform a specific action and the other party would be expected to fulfill an obligation. These actions should well up from the mutual intention of both parties to enter into an agreement. There were four forms of these contracts: (1) the mutuum which means a transfer of property to the debtor to be repaid by the debtor in kind to the creditor (2) the commodatum which was a gratuitous loan, (3) the depositum which was the transfer of property for the purpose of gratuitous safekeeping and last (4) the pignus or pledge, this was done by transferring a property by the debtor to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Intermoutain Health Case Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intermoutain Health Case Study - Assignment Example d the interdependence between the physicians and the health care team thus ensuring that IHC’s clinical care was affordable and of high quality (Bohmer et al, 2002). The measurable impact of Dr. James clinical integration program has been the increase in the competiveness of the institution within the health care industry in the region. To this effect, IHC enrolled 40% of the insured population of Utah to its Health Plans. The institution as well enrolled a significantly huge number of second tier insurers with 85,000 public employees, 73,000 educators, 52,000 mail handlers, 60,000 from CIGNA, 48,000 from Aetna, and 45,000 from Desert Mutual. The institution as well enrolled many smaller insurers with fewer than 20,000 enrollees. In essence, the clinical integration program introduced by Dr. James enabled the institution enroll about 40% to 60% of the insured population to its Health Plans (Bohmer et al, 2002). The fundamental attitudes towards variability in clinical practices exhibited in this case include cost and quality. In this regard, the attitude of cost aims at reducing the cost of clinical practices to ensure that the institution incurs minimal costs in its provision of health care services. The attitude of quality is the most fundamental attitude towards variability in clinical practices in which case it denotes the effectiveness and efficiency of the clinical practices. This attitude is fundamental as it influences the attitude of cost on the basis that high standards of quality influence minimal costs for clinical practices (Bohmer et al, 2002). The role of the shadow organization in clinical continuous quality improvement is to foster and influence the continuous quality improvement process by undertaking initiatives that aim at ensuring continuous quality improvement. In light of this, Intermountain Health Care serves this role through its initiation and continuous undertaking of quality improvement initiatives. This aspect of the organization

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Doing business in India Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Doing business in India - Research Paper Example This view is changing rapidly due to the countries’ potential future. It is deemed that in the near future India will have the world’s largest market for goods, services, and development of infrastructure (Padmanand & Jain, 2000). India’s fast economic growth is due to its ready domestic market in the agricultural and service industry and its appealing demographic trend. The Indian government is also taking measures open up the country to foreign investment (Manian, 2007). The Indian Market The major barrier in penetrating the Indian economic barrier is cultural disparity. The chances of success are improved by understanding the influence of Hinduism and the Indians cultural norms. It is fundamental that investors study some of the cultural facts because such facts influence business in India. India’s official language is Hindu though the international language for commerce is English. Investors also need to understand that India is a hierarchical country (Bose, 2009). The legacy of the caste system influences attitudes towards business. The boss has the final word and cannot be questioned whether his instructions are correct or not. He cannot also been seen doing menial jobs such as making his own coffee or arranging chairs in a boardroom. His instructions are followed to the latter and micro- management works. This approach makes it necessary for potential investors to liaise with individuals with a final say over decision-making. Investors should not overlook the importance of etiquette in India. Using a Namaste handshake is a sign that one understands the Indian culture. During the first meeting, business cards are exchanged. It is advisable to have it translated to Hindi. Enhancing relationships is imperative because negotiations can be slow if trust is not established. Understanding cross-cultural divergences is a bonus in doing business in India (Business standard India 2010). The business law in India offers employees several protections. Foreign employees are required to present visas and Amaritt for such protection (Millar, 2006). Attorneys in India are allowed to practice across the states and most of the legal regulations are consistent across states. Most court cases drag for decades (Makar, 2008). Additionally, arbitration is preferred in solving disputes. The judicial system in India is poorly institutionalized and highly corrupt. Judicial procedures are expensive and influenced by politics. There is a high deficient in protection of property rights. The cost of licensing is very expensive and starting a business can take up to one month. The main source of employment in India is the unskilled informal sector, which is inefficient. The government controls pricing of commodities and this has seen the weakening of the rupee. Foreign participation in India’s economy is impeded by the dominance of the government in the financial sector. The government has also stripped down the citizensâ€℠¢ right in purchasing from low cost multinational stores. Excessive regulation by the Indian government has impeded economic growth (Manian, 2007). India’s economy after independence was the â€Å"socialist mixed model† the government controlled both the private and public sectors output, prices and licensing (Schmidt, 1991). Suppliers are unable to benefit from monopolies as tariffs for electricity consumption are fixed. The BIS: Bureau of Indian Standards set quality standards for products for consumer protection. In 1895,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Employee Training and Career Development Essay Example for Free

Employee Training and Career Development Essay In this Employee Training and Career Development Paper a number of topics will be discussed pertaining to development. Explaining the role of training in an organizations development and describing different employee development methods and its benefits will be reviewed. The paper will address analyzing the relationship between employee and organizational development, as well as, describing the role of human resource management in career development. Resources for this information will come for the eBook; Fundamentals of human resources management text. Included in this paper will also be a reflection on the writers’ personal career development, and where they see themselves in 5 years. Along with it will be the writers’ opinion on how their present and/or future company can assist in their career development and if the company’s career development opportunities are sufficient. Bullet 2 Employee development is future oriented and concerned with the education of an employee rather than job training. By education, this means enhancing an employee’s ability to understand and interpret knowledge. Employee development focuses on personal growth to aid in the success of preparing for greater responsibility positions, have analytical, human, conceptual and specialized skill. There are three methods of employee development that will be reviewed; job rotation, assistant-to positions, and lecture coursed and seminars. Each of these methods are either on-the-job techniques or off-the-job techniques. Job Rotation involves moving employees throughout the company to different positions with the intent of expanding skills, knowledge and abilities. This  method can be done either horizontally or vertically. Job Rotation is a great method, its benefits such as broadening the employee’s exposure to the organizations operations, increasing experience, reducing boredom, and stimulating new ideas are excellent avenues to have within a company. This also allows management the opportunity to observe the employee for reliability. The Assistant-To Positions method is when employee’s with potential work under someone with a higher position in other areas of the organization. These employees may be staff assistants or serve on a particular board. Whichever duty it is, it is done under the eye of a supportive coach. Benefits for this method is that the employee will gain a numerous amount of experience in management activities and grooming duties for a higher leveled position. Lastly the Lecture Course and Seminars method is one many organizations offer either in-house or through outside sources. This method involves traditiona forms of instruction, revolving around lecture courses and seminars. Employees acquire knowledge and develop DeCenso, D., Robbins, S. (2007). Fundamentals of human resource management (9th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection.

Effects of Bio fuels on the Environment Essay Example for Free

Effects of Bio fuels on the Environment Essay Bio fuel is a type of fuel that is made out of both living or lifeless biological material and specifically, the plants as per the definition given by Shepardson, (2009). According to Shepardson, most bio fuels are in the form of esters, alcohols among others and a good example of this type of fuel is bio ethanol and bio diesel. This fuel is mostly used in vehicles and for it to be considered as a bio fuel according to Connor Steve (2008), it must consist of about 80% of renewable materials. The production of this kind of fuel has been said to be impacting negatively on the environment however though this is the case, the benefits of bio fuels cannot be dismissed altogether. As a result of this disagreement, a lot of discussions have been held over this issue something that has polarized the society between those who argue that it does not impact negatively on the environment and those that maintain that it does. This becomes the basis of this essay where the paper will take a stand and support the claims that indeed bio fuels impact negatively on the environment. According to Mongobay. com (2008), there are various types of bio fuels and one of these is E10 which over time has been greatly improved in terms of quality in that initially it contained about 90 percent of petroleum and 10 percent of ethanol but of late it is called E100 because it is almost made up of ethanol alone and about 4 percent of water. The invention of this type of fuel according to Shepardson (2009) is something that has greatly revolutionised the transport industry. These fuels have particularly been cited as one of the best ways to reduce green house gas emissions unlike it is the case with other types of fuel especially fossil fuels. Even though they are praised for this, the negative environmental consequences they have are innumerable. One of these effects according to a scientific study that was conducted in 2008 contradicts the alleged potential of this fuel to reduce greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide among others; this is as per the Mongobay. com (2008). As per this study, Mongobay. com (2008) argues that growing crops with an aim of producing bio fuel leads to an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This claim according to the Green Website. co. uk is given weight by reports that were published in a science journal known as Journal Science that showed that plants that are specifically grown for the production of this fuel produce more carbon dioxide than what these plants can naturally absorb. According to these scientists Mongobay (2008), it would take decades to reverse the trend or to balance what they termed as ‘carbon debt’. Or in other words the amount of oxygen released to the atmosphere in the course of growing these crops and is yet to be absorbed. The US and the European Union have particularly been on the forefront in propagating the idea for the production of biomass as the surest way of controlling global warming (Shepardson, 2009). According to Shepardson this has forced researchers from all over the world who aims at protecting the environment to conduct researches in their bid to understand better how this would impact on the environment. One of the researches that were conducted as per the report compiled by Connor, (2008) shown that clearing Amazon’s forested land to grow soybeans would create a carbon debt that would take 319 years to be restored not mentioning the magnitude in which forests and bushes would be destroyed to grow these crops Production of biomass is labour intensive and requires a big land according to Sawahei (2009), what this means is that a lot of bushes and forests are cleared to produce raw materials for bio fuel thereby leaving the ground with no cover thereby increasing the possibility of soil erosion taking place. To Sawahei, the world requires large tracts of land for it to feed its population now amounting over six billions. By growing biomass as an alternative source of fuel would require more land that what is needed for growing crops as per the Action for Global Health (2008) and eventually there will be no natural vegetations as all land will either have been cultivated for crop production or biomass production or both. According to the Action for Global Health (2008), this greatly destroys the environment considering that vegetation cover protects soil erosion and again it is a habitat to millions of animal species (Sawahei, 2009). Apart from this, the risk of polluting water sources with phosphates and nitrates from fertilizers that are applied to boost crop production are very high (Biofuel, 2003). Water is also polluted by chemicals that are used in the production of biomass such as pesticides sprayed to get rid of pests that attack and destroy these plants. These chemicals not only pollute water but they also kill micro organisms present in the soil that in one way or the other keep the eco system working (Action for Global Health. 2008). Rogercopenh (2008) contends that by the United States embarking on campaigns to push for the use of bio fuels might mislead many third world countries into substituting land meant for growing food crops for biomass production because of the money this business would bring. According to Rogercopenh (2008) this might in turn lead to the encroachment of forests and other natural habitats which are home to millions of wild animals. It should also not be forgotten that when this green matter is harvested, there are chances that some will rot thereby producing a very bad smell and apart from rotting, some of these plants produce bad odour naturally and thus they are an environmental hazard in that they pollute the air. As per the evidence given by Franke and Reinherdt (1998), Bio fuel also kills biodiversity in terms of the variety of plants growing in a field. For biomass to be produced in large quantity, enough to keep the world going, then its production must be professionally done. What this means according to Franke and Reinherdt (1998) is that a whole field is filled with only one type of plants leading to what is known as monoculture and by doing this, other types of plants are not given a chance to grow something that indirectly leads to their extinction (Franke and Reinherdt, 1998). In doing this according to Randooke (2009), animal are also not spared in that deforestation must take place, grasslands must be cleared and wetlands are destroyed. The truth is that these areas are habitat to many species of animals and thus what this means is that these species will be killed while others are displaced. Trees naturally preserve water catchments areas and thus when land is prepared for the cultivation these reserves are destroyed (Randooke, 2009). According to the Action for Global Health, (2008) the whole bio fuel production process requires a lot of energy and basically the type of energy that is used is fossil fuel. The argument raised by the Action for Global Health (2008) is that the amount of carbon that is emitted by burning bio fuels is absorbed by crops that are grown purposely for bio fuels production but the problem is that the amount of carbon that is emitted during their production considering that carbon emitted during planting, spraying, treating and harvesting season where machines that uses fossil fuels is not cleared from the air. This claim is supported by Sawahei, (2009) who argues that even after these crops are harvested, more carbon is emitted to the atmosphere in that coal or other forms of fossil fuels such as gas are used to heat the raw materials that are used in the production of bio fuels. Though bio fuels are heavily criticised in that they cause serious negative environmental ramifications according to Connor (2008), there are other various researches that have been done which prove otherwise. Researches show that production of other forms of fuel such as fossil fuel leads to the release of more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere than it is the case with bio fuels (Science for environmental policy, 2008). One research that strongly supports this claim is the one that was done in the United Kingdom. According to the same source, what they call first generation process Life Cycle Analysis, carbon dioxide emissions are reduced by over sixty percent unlike other forms. As per Biofuels (2003), the second generation process carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by over 80 percent. Generally according to this report, carbon dioxide emissions can be saved by an average of about 50 to 60 percent. Another advantage of using this kind of fuel according to the Greencar website (2009) is that bio fuel does not contain sulphur which is one of the main components that causes acid rains. Also considering that it is made by bio degradable materials, its chances of destroying the soil are low unlike other fuels such as fossil fuels which contaminate water sources and destroy soil when they leak into them (Science for environmental policy, 2008). In consideration of the massive evidence that is provided here above, one is justified to say that biofuels are an environmental hazard. There are a lot of researches that have been done by different researchers and most of them point to the fact that the production of bio fuels produces many effects that in one way or the other destroys the eco system for example, fertilizers that are applied on crops meant to produce biomass releases phosphates and nitrates thereby destroying soil and water. Another way through which biofuels destroys the environment is that despite the fact that a lot of forests and bushes have already been cleared for crop production, more land is snow needed for biomass production something that leads to soil erosion due clearance of bushes and the destruction of habitats that are home to many species. This indirectly leads to the extinction of these species whether plant or animals. Bibliography: Action for Global Health. 2008. New study demonstrates bio fuels negative impact on poverty, hunger and environment. Available at http://docs. google. com/gview? a=vq=cache:elry2KJk0UgJ:ec. europa. eu/environ ment/integration/research/newsalert/pdf/1si4. pdf+biofuels+,+negative+impacts+,e nvironmenthl=engl=ke Biofuel, 2003. Bio diesel Impacts on the environment. http://www. biofuelus. com/biofuel/biodiesel/biodiesel-impact-on-the- environment. php Connor Steve, 2008. Biofuels make climate change worse, Scientific Study concludes. Available at http://www. independent. co. uk/environment/climate-change/biofuels- make-climate-change-worse-scientific-study-concludes-779811. html

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Nokia Challenges In Rural Marketing In India

Nokia Challenges In Rural Marketing In India The world is witnessing an unprecedented growth in the number of people who own a mobile handset. According to a September 2009 Economist report, the total number of people who owned a personal mobile handset stood at a whopping 3.6 billion, which is more than half of the worlds population. The point that is worth noting here is the fact that the majority of this growth has come from the developing nations. In the year 2000, the developing countries accounted for only one-fourth of the worlds 700 million mobile phones. But, by the beginning of 2009, developing nations accounted for more than 75%. Considering the fact that the developed markets are saturated, it is the developing worlds rural poor which will fuel the growth in this market in the coming times. [1] Exhibit 1 shows the share in mobile phone subscriptions of the developing nations and that of the developed nations in the last decade. [2] It is in this context, we consider the case of the Indian mobile handsets market which has seen a sea change in the last decade owing to a number of critical success factors. India is presently the worlds fastest growing telecom market in terms of the subscriptions as well as the number of mobile handsets. The mobile subscribers in India are projected to grow at a CAGR of 15% in the next 5 years from 2010 to 2014. [3] This shows the tremendous opportunity that exists in the Indian telecom market for the handset manufacturers. Indian Telecom Industry The Indian telecom Industry is the worlds fastest growing telecom Industry in the world with a total of 706.37 million subscribers out of a population of 1180 million. As of Aug 2010, out of the 706.37 million, a whopping 670.60 are mobile phone connections.[4] The Indian mobile telephony market adds more than 20 million subscribers a month on an average and for the first time in the year 2008-09, rural India outpaced urban India in mobile growth rate. The growth in the Indian telecom sector can be attributed to several factors which include the rising disposable incomes of households, rising aspirations of consumers across the country, the enhanced utility of a mobile phone for people from all walks of life be it business or education or just information. The mobile handsets revolution has changed the lifestyle of consumers by giving them a faster way to reach their near and dear ones, by making their life easier in more ways than one. The growth drivers for mobile handsets can be attributed to the telecom service providers and off late, it is also the mobile phone applications that are fuelling the increasing adoption of mobile phones as they give the consumers a whole range of new services he/she can avail by using a mobile phone. Mobile phones in India are fast changing into a commodity with the entry of numerous players in the market and similarity of offerings by the existing competition. Exhibit 7 shows the change in consumer decision making that has occurred over the years in the Indian mobile handsets market. It has changed from a High Involvement-Low Experience product to a Low Involvement-High Experience product. Mobile phones are mainly divided into 4 categories in the handsets industry in India: Smart Phones: These are essentially the high end phones which have many features and have the internet accessibility capabilities and Wi-Fi technology. This space is mainly dominated by the multinational brands like Nokia, Samsung, Blackberry, and Sony Ericsson. The general price range for such phones varies from Rs. 10,000 to Rs.35000 in the marketplace. DUAL SIM: This is the fastest growing category in the Indian market accounting for more than 35% of the total shipments in the beginning of year 2010. The principle reason so as to why these phones are in such great demand is the fact that consumers want to reap benefits of the attractive offers provided by telecom players. In this regard, Multi-SIM handsets are also being launched and they are fast becoming the next trend in this space. The market for this is mostly dominated by domestic manufacturers like Lava, Karbonn, Micromax, MAXX and Zen Mobiles among other players. It was only in September 2010, Nokia has launched its first ever DUAL SIM handset after it realized the huge demand for such models in the market. The general price range for such mobiles varies from Rs.2000 to Rs.5000 Touch Phones: These are the type of handsets which do not have any manual keys and are completely sensor based touchscreen handsets. These are extremely fashion oriented handsets which are in-vogue among the youth and fast catching up with all types of consumers due to their visual appeal and ease of use. The market for such handsets was mainly dominated by the multinationals but now it is cluttered with the entry of Indian players such as Micromax, Spice mobiles and others. The general price range for such mobile phones varies from Rs.5000 to Rs.15000. CDMA: These handsets use a different technology compared to others which are GSM based mobile phones. CDMA handsets are generally cheaper than their GSM counterparts. They are mainly preferred by consumers who have a heavier usage of mobile phone. The general price range of CDMA phones is Rs.1000 to Rs5000. This market is evenly distributed between Indian players as well as multinationals. Exhibit number 5 shows the type of handsets that fall into each of this category in the Indian market. The current tele-density in India stands at 58.17% and this is projected to reach up to 82% by the year 2012. The rural Indian market has a tele-density of 24% as of March 2010 whereas the Urban tele-density has already crossed the 100% mark* [5]. Considering the fact that around 65% of Indias total population lives in rural areas, we can say in other words, that every third person holding a mobile phone is from rural India. Therefore, it offers a huge potential for growth in coming years for the various handset manufacturers. Also, with the upcoming of 3G technology in the Indian market, the sector as a whole is likely to see robust growth in the coming years. In addition to this, the Indian mobile handsets market is witnessing a sea change in terms of the expectations of the consumers. It is being observed that consumers are demanding phones with multimedia and multi SIM capabilities at very affordable prices, especially in the Tier-3 and rural regions. Indian mobile handset makers are fast making inroads into the Tier-2, Tier-3 and rural markets which offer tremendous growth potential. Multi-SIM handsets accounted for a whopping 38.5% of the market in the 1st quarter of year 2010. Rural India: A huge opportunity in mobile handsets market The market for mobile phones in rural India remains highly untapped and offers a very high potential. It is this immense opportunity and the inability of the foreign based multinationals in understanding the Indian consumers that has led to the proliferation of numerous local manufacturers who now pose a serious threat to the existing players. According to a research by the Research and Markets, the market for mobile phones in rural India is projected to grow at a CAGR of 17% in the years 2009-2012. [17] It is also being suggested that the availability of low cost long battery phones will primarily drive the growth in these markets. The Mobile Handsets Market in India This unprecedented level of growth in the mobile usage of the Indian population has also lead to the birth and proliferation of a number of home grown mobile handset manufacturers. The market for mobile handsets which was once dominated by the likes of Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Motorola are being fast replaced by domestic Indian concerns like Micromax, MAXX, Videocon, Lava, Karbonn, Spice mobiles, Zen Mobiles to name a few. These domestic players have a strong penetration in the smaller towns and rural hinterlands of the country because they understand the needs of the local people better than the multi-nationals. Some of the innovations from the regional players include a 45 day battery phone, a solar powered cell phone to cater to the perennial power shortage in rural India. Again, there have been launches of mobiles that are dust resistant, water-proof and high decibel to cater to various needs that are unique to the rural Indian consumers. According to a research conducted by Voice and Data, the total market share of all the Indian mobile handset manufacturers came to 14%, which is quite a significant number considering the complete dominance of Nokia and other foreign players like Motorola and Sony Ericsson till very recently. Micromax leads the Indian mobile handset manufacturers with a market share of 4.1% followed by Spice mobiles with 3.9% and Karbonn with a market share of 3% respectively. However, Nokia still continues to be the market leader in the Indian market with a share of 52.2%. [6] Exhibit 3 shows the market shares of various players in the Indian market and a comparison in the years 2008-09 and 2009-10 is being tabulated as shown. [7] The following are the details about various players in the Indian mobile handsets market: Nokia: The Finland based multi-national is the worlds largest manufacturer of mobile telephones with a global market share of 30% in the beginning of 2010. Its latest offering is its OVI technology platform which offers a wide range of internet services such as games, music, maps, media and messaging. Nokia made its entry into the Indian market in the year 1995 [11] and there are many firsts to Nokias credit in the Indian mobile handsets market. It would not be an overstatement to say that Nokia has pioneered the evolution of mobile telephony in the Indian market. For instance, the first mobile call in India on an Indian network was made on Nokia phone and they were the first to introduce a camera phone as well as the first Wi-Fi enabled phone. Samsung: It is currently the worlds second largest mobile phone manufacturer after Nokia. It is a part of Samsung Electronics, based out of South Korea which is the worlds largest electronics company. [12] It is one of the major players in the Indian mobile handsets market and is known for its stylish phones as well as utility oriented models. The famous Indian actor Aamir Khan has been the brand ambassador of Samsung Mobiles in India and this has given the brand a good mileage in terms of product acceptance and trust ahead of big players like Nokia. Their anti-theft mobile tracker is one of the most successful features in the market and was highly appreciated by the consumers. Micromax: The Gurgaon based handset manufacturer started its operations in the year 1991 but it has made its presence felt in the last 2-3 years. With a slew of product launches with attractive features and value-proposition, it is now currently the third largest player in the Indian mobile handsets market after Nokia and Samsung. It appealed majorly to the high-potential underserved rural market with its 1 month battery backup model. It has also come up with attractive models at prices as low as 50% to that of a Nokia phone with the same features. Motorola: The American telecommunications giant has lost market share to other players in the Indian market. It also did not feature in the top 5 mobile handset manufacturers in the world in the International Data Corporation (IDC) research carried out in the beginning of year 2010. [14] Exhibit 4 shows the top mobile phone vendors, their market shares and the shipments of the top 5 mobile handset manufacturers in the world. Motorola had become the second largest player in the Indian market in the year 2007 on the back of its aggressive promotions and innovative product line. It had roped in the Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachhan as the brand ambassador during that time. Sony Ericsson: Sony followed a similar strategy and launched a series of phones which has very good music features that reflected the Sony Walkman legacy. Actor Hritik Roshan was the brand ambassador for Sony Ericsson in India and during this time, the company had gained considerable market share before its decline started due to the rise of local Indian handset manufacturers. Blackberry: The parent company RIM continues to be one of the top notch manufacturers of high end business phones in the world and as given in exhibit 3, it is currently the 4th largest handset maker in the world. In India, it targets only the business users and hence uses different communication channels rather than the mass media which is used by other manufacturers. HTC: This is a Taiwan based manufacturer of smartphones which made smartphones based on Windows software but is now shifting to Googles Android as its operating system. It has a very small presence in the Indian market and it has no intentions to come up with handsets that will be targeted at the Indian rural consumers. Spice Mobiles: This is a part of Spice Telecom which is majorly owned by the Aditya Birla Group and is currently the 5th largest player in the Indian market. It is being endorsed by the Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra. Lava Mobiles: It is one of the recent entrants in the Indian market which has launched a series of handsets which offers the DUAL SIM capability which is very highly demanded especially in the rural areas since many consumers in rural India buy one phone for a group of individuals and it is shared. Karbonn: It is a Joint venture between two players: UTL group and Jaina group. It is being endorsed by the Indian cricketer Virender Sehwag which the company believes is a good move since the mobiles they manufacture are positioned in the same tone as that of the playing style of Sehwag, which is explosive and agile. MAXX: Endorsed by the Indian cricket team captain M S Dhoni, this is one of the leading brands from the Indian mobile handset manufacturers. Videocon: This Company which is a conglomerate has diverse interests ranging from telecom to petroleum to power generation. They entered the Indian mobile handsets market in November 2009 [15] The Videocon group has also gained the rights to be the T-shirt sponsors of the famous Indian Premier League (IPL) team, the Mumbai Indians. This has given Videocon mobiles a lot of visibility and created awareness, which is very important considering the fact that it is still a new entrant in the highly competitive mobile handsets market. The market for handsets in India has evolved drastically over the last one decade with consumers expecting a lot more out of their mobiles rather than just making a call or sending a message. Exhibit 2 shows the various applications in mobile handsets as a percentage of total number of mobile phones shipped in India from the years 2007-2009. [7] It is precisely in this space that most of the recent players in the Indian mobile handsets market have positioned themselves. They offer more features in their handsets at the same price as the market leaders, Nokia being the benchmark of sorts in the Industry. Analysis of commercials of Nokia in the last 5 years In order to understand the communication strategy of Nokia in the last 5 years, a thorough analysis of all their TV commercials was carried out. This helped to understand their positioning and the type of customers they are primarily targeting. Given below are the series of analysis of their commercials for their various models of handsets. Nokia Xpress music 5310 and 5700: The commercial involves a plot in which there are shown lot of young students (all were apparently from a city background) in a hostel enjoy their music non-stop on the new Xpress music Nokia phones. This commercial also highlights the 18 hours non-stop music capability of this phone from Nokias stable. Nokia 1110i and 1600: In this commercial, the creative involves a husband coming back to his home in the village and he has his wife and daughter waiting for him. The husband gets stuck on the way as his vehicle gets damaged. Then, a neighbor in the village who has a Nokia phone helps in reaching the neighbors husband through the Nokia phone and thus an emotional connect is being formed for Nokia. It is also nicely captured in the advertisement where in the end, the daughter asks her mother: Kya hum bhi Nokia le lein? Nokia 3110 Classic: In this advertisement, the plot involves a young boy trying to impress a young girl through his Nokia mobile phone which has an 8ÃÆ'- zoom capability and a one touch camera option. This again focuses on the urban segment as the attire and the ambience as shown in the advertisement reflects a citys environs. Nokia 6300, 5310 and 2630: the commercial is more of an attempt towards corporate advertising where Nokia is being shown as a part of every moment of joy in the lives of people across the country. All the regional festivals are being shown and people have been shown clicking pictures, playing music etc. from their Nokia phones to celebrate their moment of joy. This ad shows no discrimination towards an urban or rural background. Nokia 7610 and 3600: It is a commercial which reflects the lifestyle, attitudes and aspirations of the modern day young girl. This again is filmed against the backdrop of a city projecting a metropolitan girl. The ad is a lively ad that captures the essence of the modern day lifestyle and the phone tries to reflect the same. This is again a commercial that focuses on the urban way of life and the youth belonging to such places. Nokia Navigation (Maps): This advertisement shows a character who finds her way all up to the house of her destination through the help of Nokia maps. This commercial emphasizes the utility of Nokias series of applications and tools to attract customers towards them. This is one of Nokias responses in countering the competition from numerous local Indian players. But, again this is an advertisement focused at the Indian urban population rather than rural where they are presently losing out to more nimble footed players. Nokia priority dealer: manpasand mobile guaranteed. The commercial shows an individual trying to find a good new mobile for him but has to do all the running to so many places. He is shown to be running after one model to the other but not able to catch hold of the phone that he is actually looking for. In the end, a Nokia priority dealer store is shown where he can find all the models of Nokia phones, thereby reducing his hassles. That is why the tagline in the beginning is apt. Nokia 1208 and 1209: This advertisement inspires the viewer by showing that all the dreams of an individual like owning a house, a car and taking a flight etc. will come true one day. Again, the ad goes on to show that Nokia is there for the consumer in realizing their dreams in life. These are the two low end phones of Nokia and there is a clear focus towards the aam aadmi of India who dreams of a better life. There is no discrimination of urban and rural in this case also. Nokia 6270: this advert shows the new Nokia phone which has a memory capacity of 1GB which was unheard of in the Indian mobile handsets market in the year 2006. The commercial shows the precision and perfection with which the phone has been designed. It is being positioned as an exclusive handset which is for those who desire perfection in life. This again has no clear bias on whether it is targeted at the urban consumers or the rural consumers. Nokia (Corporate): This commercial features the Indian star actor Shahrukh khan which shows his life as a superstar. The commercial explains how his Nokia phone has been there with him for the last 10 years and now he has a trust for that brand. The ad ends with Shahrukh Khan saying hamara Nokia. This is an advertisement that focuses on corporate branding of Nokia rather than any particular model. Nokia E-Series Business Phones: This commercial initially shows how it is very difficult for a modern day executive to balance and get the best of both his personal as well as professional life. And then the new Nokia E series business phones have been shown as the ideal solution using which the executive is able to merge his personal as well as professional commitments and is content with his wife, kids and work. This advert again has an urban focus in a thorough and distinct manner. Nokia OVI Music Unlimited: this commercial emphasizes on the unlimited music options that are available with the new Nokia OVI music store where one can get and store literally a million songs from the OVI store. The ad has a strong catchy theme and it does not have any bias towards an urban or rural backdrop. But, inevitably this also gives away its urban focus in the latter part of the ad. Nokia 1650 and 2626: This commercial shows the Radio (FM) feature in their handsets and how Radio still has a future in our multimedia world where there are numerous options for entertainment. Songs from all the possible types of genre have been shown playing on the radio through the Nokia handsets. This advertisement is targeted at all the target groups with no clear focus on the youth or the urban-rural distinction in particular. Nokia 1600: This advertisement is a fast paced creative where it is being shown how colors are a part of the life of an Indian and how colors are integrated into every aspect of our life. Various individuals from different walks of life have been shown in this ad. This ad also reflects the product that is being endorsed here: a phone for the common man of India. It ends with the caption: naya Nokia 1600, har jeb main rang. Nokia 7710, Experience: this advertisement shows an individual enjoying a music video on a screen that is so wide that it almost feels to him like a theater. The effect of the widescreen has been shown very distinctly in the commercial. This is one of the higher prices phones from the stable of Nokia. There is once again no clear distinction so as to who is the target audience for this product. Nokia 6300: This advertisement ends with the statement true style never shouts. The advertisement begins with a scene where a shooting for some purpose is going on and the director asks the professionals on the set to continuously remove all the glitz and showy backgrounds. In the end, a simple white background is what suits the need perfectly. Thus, the statement that true style doesnt need any showbiz associated with it. This is an effort to tell the consumers about the simplicity and reliability of Nokia as a brand with respect to all its recent competitors in the Indian market which have focused more on the showbiz. Insights from the commercials From the above advertisements and various corporate promotions carried out by Nokia in the last 5 years (a time during which a lot of new domestic players have entered the Indian mobile handsets market), a clear pattern that emerges is that Nokia has still not focused exclusively on the rural Indian consumers who form a major chunk of the population that uses mobile phones on todays date. There are many commercials which exclusively focus on the modern day youth of urban India and their lifestyles, attitudes and aspirations. But, there are very few advertisements and promotions that show Nokias willingness to target the rural Indian consumer. One of the reasons for this may be the fact there are no products that Nokia has exclusively designed that can fulfill multiple needs of the rural consumers other than just phone and messaging. Its only product that found an instant hit with the rural consumers was the 1100 model which had an in-built torch light. But, there were many needs of the rural consumers which could have been fulfilled with the help of mobile phones but Nokia did not come out with such products. It is in this space that almost all the new Indian domestic players have been very successful. Micromax, the Gurgaon based mobile handset manufacturer is one such case in point. They realized the acute shortage of electricity in the rural hinterlands of India and it was being observed that consumers need a phone the battery of which lasts for longer periods of time than the usual 2 days on an average. They aggressively promoted their new handsets which lasted for a month after being charged once. This was also accompanied by their sales promotions which offered phones at highly discounted rates and with more features than what a Nokia phone would offer at the same price. This trend continued and it led to the entry of other domestic players like Lava, Karbonn, Spice among others in the Indian mobiles market. Each of the player offered much more enhanced features than Nokia and at a price which is in many cases as low as 60% to that of a Nokia phone. Another very common trend that was again captured by the Indian manufacturers as well as some of the cheaper Chinese mobile manufacturers in India was the Dual SIM concept. Increasingly, people felt the need to use the services of two service providers at the same time and buying two phones for this purpose was not feasible for most of them. This was again catered to by these players who launched a slew of Dual SIM mobile phones at prices that were very competitive in comparison to a similar phone with a single SIM capability. One more such feature of the latest offerings from domestic players has been the ability to handle multiple accounts from a single handset. This has been an instant hit with the consumers of Rural India where a group of people now own a mobile phone. This reduces the burden on each particular individual and also at the same time ensures connectivity. Unfortunately, for Nokia has not paid much attention to these innovations in the initial stages and now it has woken up to reduced market share which has dropped down drastically from 78% five years ago to 52.2% in the year 2010.[4],[5] Analysis Our analysis was intended to find so as to how the Indian consumer perceives various brands depending upon their communication, their positioning and their overall marketing efforts which include different type of promotional activities. In this regard, a questionnaire was being developed which tried to measure the attitudes and perceptions of consumers in general towards Nokia and other brands of mobile phones that they use. From the responses thus obtained, a simple arithmetic coding was being done to quantify the responses and thus we obtained average scores on each parameter of importance in a mobile phone. For instance, here we calculated the average score that each brand of mobile phone gets on parameters such as price, battery back-up, sound quality among all other features. The MS excel sheet attached below gives an idea of how the responses were coded and then converted into a perceptual map. For better visibility, the averages were being coded further using simple arithmetic techniques as shown in the sheet as under: Perceptual Map Analysis In order to find out the current day perception of Nokia with respect to its various competitors in the Indian mobile phone market, as mentioned earlier, a questionnaire was being designed. This was circulated among a select group of respondents. It was being ensured that there are users of all the kinds of brands of mobile phones that are popular in the Indian market. It is mandatory that we get at least 6 responses each of the various brands of mobile handsets for them to be reasonably eligible to find a place on the perceptual map and thus be compared with other brands of phones. Exhibit 6 shows the questionnaire that was being circulated among the consumers who owned a mobile handset. From the perceptual map, it is clear that Nokia is perceived to be more expensive when compared with other domestic players in terms of the features that they offer for a given price point. In order to counter this, Nokia either has to come up with products that are exclusively designed for the rural masses with customized support for them in terms of the local language and certain locally relevant tools. Also, as we can see that there is no real difference in terms of the local manufacturers of handsets as all of them offer a slew of features at prices which are very low in comparison to the existing multinationals like Nokia and Blackberry. In this regard, Nokia can take a lesson from the stable of Samsung which has adopted an innovative strategy in dealing with the rural Indian market. It has launched a series of products like Samsung Guru, which are specifically targeted at the rural masses and have been very successful with their advertisement campaigns for the same. Nokias current strategy for the Indian Rural Market With a population of more than 800 million, rural India offers huge potential and Nokia has realized it. Nokia has already started its rural marketing as well as communication initiatives and have a well chalked out plan for the coming years. Given below are some of the steps that Nokia has already taken in this regard: It has tied up with 1000 micro-finance institutions across the country which will help in financing the mobile phone purchases of the rural consumers. It has tie up with big players like SKS Micro-finance which has a network of 653 branches across the nation It has come up with showrooms on the wheels which is its rural marketing vehicle that is a novel approach in this market and is borrowed from the FMCG industry where such activation programs are commonplace. Nokia has hired certain professionals who go to the villages and rural hinterlands to promote the brand Nokia in innovative ways like sponsoring a regional festival which sees participation from the whole population of the area. Another initiative is their Rural care on the go, which is their servicing vehicle for the rural markets. This is to tell the consumers and other possible buyers the fact that Nokia is with them at their doorstep to account for all of their mobile handset issues. Nokia Life Tools: These are a series of tools developed for the rural consumers which will help them make their life easier and better in more than one way. For the farmer community of the rural Indian population, Nokia life tools provide information about the type of seeds, best practices and commodity prices. Young students can use the education life tool for career related information and other help related to their academics. Location based tools are also being developed by Nokia, some of them being exclusively for the rural consumers for their entertainment and convenience. These are some of the initiatives taken by Nokia till now in order to increase connect with the rural Indian consumers on a pan India basis. But, it is yet to launch products that truly cater to the differentiated needs of the consumers in smaller towns and villages. Also, the same has to be communicated to the consumers through various traditional as well as non-traditional media. Suggestions and Recommendations In its quest to gain a significant position in the rural Indian market, Nokia can take a leaf from the strategy adopted by the domestic mobile handset manufacturers. For instance, Videocon mobiles took cues from customers feedback of the need to have large speakers and launched a model accordingly. Again, another regional player Zen mobile realized the importance of launching phones with regional language support as many consumers in the hinterlands and small towns are not well versed with English language [16]. Therefore, they came up with models that had compatibility with 18 different Indian languages. Nokia should also launch certain models which have features that are currently desired by the users and at prices that are comparable to that of the local domestic players. One interesting