Friday, July 26, 2019

Competing Value Framework Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Competing Value Framework - Research Paper Example Similarly, other tools like Managerial Behavioral Instrument and Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument gives a concrete path to analyze the organization’s position and defines where it should have to be, and assists in rearranging the business from entire the culture of the organization to individual level (Yu & Wu, 2009). Discussion Confucius defined his techniques which are also known as The Great Learning regarding development of great nation is that one must focus and incline toward his state; to build the a great nation; you need to incline towards your family initially, and to develop a great family; first you need to nurture yourself; for nurturing oneself; one needs to dictate towards learning (Blocker & Starling, 2001). These techniques were written in 5th century B.C. for aspiring leaders and it is accepted until today and accredited. Therefore, if someone wants its organization to compete effectively globally, then the relevant and appropriate culture for the organization is needed to execute effective strategies. Therefore, we need to consider ourselves before entering into this type of transformation effectively. It is a fact that the Competing Values Framework is an essential and effective tool to use which assists in determining culture not only at the individual level but also at an organizational level. It also assists in developing the path for change in organizational culture that is important for strategies going to be implemented (Cameron, 2006). Common models of leadership have divided this popular area of leadership among different comparing categories. There are various examples regarding the comparison of leadership from the literature of leadership, for instance, task theory versus socio-emotional; Theory X versus Theory Y; transactional leadership versus transformational leadership; and participative leadership versus autocratic leadership (Van & Suino, 2012). It is also found that these theories cannot be used in larger comparison and there is no other such work that compares large mixtures to examine or analyze towards defining the required leaders' behavior and to what extent it is required in leaders (Hart & Quinn, 1993). It is also to mention here that these traditional models just make us think over such leadership and it shows limits of these models which further leads to inefficiency in defining the leadership effectively (Bensimon et al., 1989). However, Robert Quinn was among those who were in an argument of saying that leadership effectiveness needs simultaneous and balancing mastery of likely paradoxical or contradictory abilities; reflectiveness and decisiveness; incremental adjustments and bold moves; and people orientation as well as performance (Hart & Quinn, 1993). It is to mention here that Quinn’s model is based on CVF for analysis of organizations. Initially, it was developed from a research that was conducted for identifying the factors of effective organizations. Quinn and Rohrbaugh in 1983 identified two main dimensions essential for the effectiveness of organization based on their statistical outcomes. The first dimension refers to a focus on the organization, from focusing internally on the individual’s development and well-being in the organization towards an external or outside focus on organization’s development and well-being.  

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